Saturday, May 28, 2011


we took a little trip this week.

to visit my mom, step-dad and brother

the kids and i took my grandma with us

besides just wanting to visit them


we also wanted to see a few of my brother's baseball games

since he had a make-up double header along with a regular season game

we were able to see 4 games

since my van wasn't running right

we took my grandma's suv

this is how the kids looked

all squished in the backseat

they're used to having their own space

the ride up was a little touch and go

but, the ride home was perfect


we had an absolute blast


cheering on this guy


hard to believe he is 16

that's how old i was when he was born


the kids had fun playing at the playground beside the field

they made a bunch of new friends


and i was able to see the game and watch them


so everyone was happy

after the games we got to hang out with uncle nick


the kids LOVE him


i wish we lived closer


and i'm praying he chooses to attend college at the u of iowa--we're only an hour away!!!!
but, for now, i'll take what i can get!  a 7 hour drive isn't that bad!
thanks mom, dave and uncle nick for having us!

last friday

we celebrated

our last

day of

school with

a special

dinner and

awards banquet

what a

fun year

we have

had learning


already looking forward to next fall!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

1st annual water walk

...took place last night.

2 of my girlfriends are going on a mission trip in 2 weeks.
they will be taking water filtration devices to ethiopia.
they are part of the "water our thirsty world" group.
walkers from all over southeast iowa raised pledge money and then walked a 1 mile route around mt pleasant leading to the iwc chapel carrying 2 gallons of water.
afterwards, remedy drive performed an awesome concert.
all of this took place with my camera sitting at home on the kitchen counter!
i cannot believe i forgot it!
sam was a walker and i was a volunteer.
the girls came along--sofie walked and lia helped me.
it was their first concert and boy-oy-boy did they love it!
lia couldn't stop kissing and hugging me saying,"thanks mom for bring me" and sofie stood the entire time singing her heart out for God!
it was such a special time for sam and i to have just the girls with us.
we had a blast worshipping our awesome God together!
afterwards, we spent some time hanging out with the band.
sofie got the lead singer's autograph on her sweatshirt sleeve--she was pumped!
still can't believe i forgot my camera.

however, the next few photos were taken by a friend of mine.

and here's sofie's autographed sleeve--

already looking forward to next years!