Tuesday, September 27, 2011


jack jr.

sam and the kids claim he followed
them home from the football game 

sam also claims he wouldn't let the kids
touch him

i'm not really sure i buy that

either way, jack jr is here to stay

he is rarely put down

and receives endless amounts of kisses

he even has a "favorite" spot

but you will only find him up there after bedtime!!!


Saturday, September 17, 2011

old thresher's--the rest of it

we parked in town and rode the bus to the grounds.
this was taken seconds before the back door mysteriously came open sounding the alarm--my guess is that it wasn't the boy in the black cowboy hat!

 anxious to get to the fun

the kids love riding the bus--i have wonderful memories of riding those same buses 

just inside the gates--5 of the 6

lia in her element!

just taking it all in

sofie borrowed the bonnet and dress from cousin clara

he just crawled under this old car and started looking around--
it was so funny 

the girls with cousin pearl at the saloon show

kye and ruthie--ready for the show

after the saloon show we headed out to watch the bank robbery--

after the shows the cowboys throw money out to the kids.
here they are getting it autographed 

our favorite--the train robbery

somewhere, we have a picture just like this with my sister and i in those same windows

here's the inside

 the robber's have boarded the train

this cowboy couldn't take his eye's off of them

here's the good guys

didn't end well for either--ha

just boarded the trolley to head over to the indian village 

sofie with the fan she purchased--it was over 100 degrees that day

and lia with her purchase--sweets!!!

we love old threshers!!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

old thresher's---part 1

the annual old thresher's reunion was last week.
we met up with some friends to watch the parade--
it was hot!  but, oh so fun!