Saturday, February 26, 2011

2 girls and their daddy...

...had a date tonight!
to the daddy/daughter dance!

this girl had her dress laid over a mirror in her bedroom for over 2 weeks and also had a countdown going for most of the month

and this girl was most excited to paint her nails--you just never know what to expect with lia

first, she wanted her hair in a bun, then curly and down, and then in a ponytail.
so...we did a little of everything 

they have SO much fun together


 especially in front of the camera

this cute cowboy and i had the night to ourselves

i picked out 4 boy movies at the library today --but, of course he wanted to watch toy story again

this is such a special time for the girls

and sam so enjoys showering them with simple gifts and love

lia kept her flower on long enough for pictures and then placed it back in it's box making sure that we knew how much she loved it, but that she just wasn't going to wear it tonight--oh, how i just love her

 sofie loves everything about this night especially her flowers.
they both still have their ones from last years dance.

my twins

i so enjoy watching sam take the time to show our girls how special they are

i do my best to show them as well, but it's a different kind of special when their daddy is involved.

there's just something about a girl and her dad!

already looking forward to next year's!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

lia's heart

showing God's love.
that is what lia's sunday school class has been studying the last couple weeks.
she came home 2 sunday's ago with this paper.
it show's idea's of how she can show God's love to others.
what i love most about her idea's is that they are so genuine.
she is a servant.  it comes natural for her to think of others.
and she is always doing things like the pictures she drew below.

the top left picture is her helping me do laundry.  while she isn't a natural in the "neat and tidy" area, she still tries her best to help out around the house without being asked.  
and personally, i love that about her.  i love that she's not concerned about the way things look on the outside.  that kid is all about relationships.

the top right picture is her helping our neighbor earl, rake his yard.  oh how this girl loves elderly people.  she has helped him countless times do yard work talking his ear off the whole time.  however, i'm pretty sure he can't actually hear most of what she says.  even if she knew that, it wouldn't stop her from talking. 

and the bottom picture.  
sam and i cracked up when she described what this picture was.  partly because it's just hilarious and partly because she really would do this for her sister.
lia is on the left holding a target and sofie is on the right shooting a bow and arrow.
 i especially loved sofie's comment after hearing lia explain this to us.
"but, i could hurt you."
"lia, i could kill you."
she couldn't figure out why lia would choose that to show love to her.
what she doesn't know is that lia would do anything for her just like she would do anything for lia.

even though i'm the one homeschooling them, they are the ones teaching me most of the time.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

unexpected gifts...

while gift-giving is not at the top of my love language list i have to admit that waking up to 3 very excited gift-giver's yesterday was the highlight of my day!  
it wasn't the gifts that was the highlight, it was their faces as they excitedly and lovingly placed their gifts in my hands.
i slept through sam getting out of bed and quietly waking the girls at 6:00 a.m.
i also slept through their quick trip to hy-vee.
however, i heard the van door close outside my window and could tell by the sounds of excited voices that something special was about to happen.

kye, who was sleeping next to me, woke up as they came marching into my bedroom.

with a beaming smile, lia handed me this--

 next, my favorite, tulips!
from my sam--1 for each of his girls.
(sofie had already taken her pink one to her room)

and then there was sofie's.  i have tears in my eye's as i remember back to last friday when i took the 3 kids to hy-vee for take-out chinese while sam was gone.  while we stood in line waiting for our chinese sofie sweetly asked me if she could just go over and  look around at the valentine's stuff. (the food area is right next to the floral dept.) i kindly told her "no" because then lia and kye would also want to go. a few minutes passed and she asked again, this time saying she just wanted to see how much everything cost.  a little irritated that i had just answered that question, i told her "no" again, this time not so kind.  she continued to look in that direction the remainder of the time we waited for our food.  out of the blue, lia then asked if she could go look at the valentine stuff--in a very huffy and irritated voice i sternly said "no".  when we got to the van i started on a little lecture about only having to tell them something once.  somewhere in the middle of my ranting, i heard sofie's voice behind me softly say, "i just wanted to see how much everything cost so i could bring my money back to buy you a valentine mom".  the only thing left to say was to ask for her forgiveness.  which she quickly gave.  i then rode the rest of the way home with quiet tears streaming down my cheeks.  i can't tell you how much i love her giving and compassionate and thoughtful heart.  so lastly, sofie handed me her valentine gift:

a box of chocolates. 
she knows i don't like the fancy chocolates, so hershey's kisses it was!

if your wondering what kye gave me...

kisses, kisses, kisses and more kisses!
i am confident that there was not another woman who got more kisses yesterday than i.

i am so blessed to get to spend my days with these 4 people! 

Monday, February 14, 2011

our valentine's party...

last week we began our valentine's preparations.

i've never met 2 girls more in love with crafts than these 2 are!

she is growing up so fast.  my beautiful sofie.

and this kid is just dripping with cuteness and filled to the brim with orneriness.

valentine creations...

while us girls were crafting--this sweet boy was pretty comfy on the couch watching his 2nd favorite move--toy story.

valentines morning--moments after our guests arrived

we hosted a valentines party for 3 other homeschool families.
here they are passing out valentines. 

10 girls and 2 boys

lia and abby

we played some games...

 musical chairs was a hit!

 no peeking!

 1 tired little boy.

 2 praying girls.

 and a table-full of girls eating their heart-shaped sandwiches and jello, fruit with yummy pink dip and drinking pink lemonade.

found these plastic champagne glasses at the dollar store for $1--they loved them!

and here's the rest...

we finished off our party with some frosting of heart sugar cookies and a couple hours of playing while the mom's chatted away over chai tea and coffee.
i'd say it was a success!

Friday, February 11, 2011


-celebrating the LMHT that now goes behind sam's name

-donuts for breakfast

-math, language, and valentine books

-leftovers for lunch

-sam packing for an overnight trip with 22 jh kids to peoria

-decorating valentines and boxes for our v-day party on monday

-cleaning up gallons of glitter from decorating v-day card's and boxes

-laundry, laundry, laundry

-a trip to the library for some movies and books

-a trip to hy-vee for take-out chinese

-a little before-bed tom and jerry

-bathes for 3 energetic kids

-an early bedtime for 3 energetic kids

-a chick flick for my night without sammy


* joyful.  watching sam and all 3 kids playing a game in lia's bedroom.  kye climbing on his back, lia practically doing backflips because she is having so much fun and sofie just being the little lady that she is.  this brings a smile to my face as i feel the joy quickly filling my heart.

* proud.  listening to the girls prayers.  lia's prayers are so specific.  for people we know that are hurting.  for her upcoming day.  for her siblings.  for her parents.  for the cat she wants and the dog we got rid of.  she has the heart of a servant and for that alone--i am proud.  sofie's prayers are becoming so mature.  she cries out to God for help with self-control, for guidance and in thanksgiving.   proud is how i feel as i watch her grow into a lady striving to be more like God.

* anxious.  waiting for kye's 3 year well check-up.  this will hopefully get us moving forward with a consultation to a speech therapist.  he is improving everyday but still not where i think he should be developmentally.   while i don't feel nervous about this--it is in the back of my head causing me to have anxious thoughts at times.

* exhausted.  this week i have had no energy.  pretty sure this stems from having kids come in my bed at all hours of the night.  1 little boy who plays with my ears and rubs my face off and on all night long.  and 1 little girl who plays with my hair throughout the night sometimes pulling it as it gets tangled in her fingers while she sleeps soundly.  sam and i have come to the point where we reward (or bribe) them with treats if they stay in their own beds.  lets just say sofie is really reaping the benefits of this.  i am hopeful the other 2 will start as well so this mama won't be so exhausted.

*  happy.  i just love watching my kids interact.  today we went to a gym with several other kids their ages and smaller.  i watched from a distance as the girls watched over kye while he played with other boys.  they were a little protective of him since most of the kids we didn't know.  the girls took turns holding all the babies.  and while 1 wasn't holding a baby the other was making sure kye was taken care of.  not only was i happy about the opportunity to chat with other mom's i was also filled to the brim with happiness towards my children who showed love and respect to each other as well as almost every other child there.  every mom needs a day like this to reassure them they are doing a good job at this mothering thing.

* so in love.  with my simple little family.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

it's been a week...

...since my last post.

and alot has happened during that time.

sam and i enjoyed a wonderful date night.  we have been switching off with the same couple for 6 years now.  once a month--they watch our kids while we go on a date and once a month--we watch their kids while they go on a date.  so thankful for good friends that care enough about our marriage to take time to watch our crazy and energetic 3!

i read the entire twilight series!  in one week!  bringing my total to 6 books in 3 weeks.  i think i'm done for a while.
lia attended a birthday party at fun city and boy-oh-boy did she have fun!  and so did i--talking with all the other mothers.  fun to be around other adults for a change.

enjoyed a huge snow storm this week.  public school has had 3 snow days--we've had 1.  the news said this was the biggest snow storm we've had since 1979--i was 1.

look at these scary ladies.  ready to head outside.  they look like robbers but those masks are the best investments we've made this winter.

 sam's truck was practically buried in the driveway.

 it took him almost the entire morning to dig us out.

some drifts were taller than the girls.

i have always loved the way snow looks when it's settled into the corners of windows.

 i had every intention of going outside and taking some photos, but never did make it out of my warm living room.  besides, i was too busy reading!  ha ha

i love it that sam enjoys playing in the snow as much as the kids!

we are busy planning for a valentine party we're hosting for our local homeschooling families.

we are also planning our yearly valentine's meal.  the girls love to make this super-special!

 we are looking forward to lia's 7th birthday that's quickly approaching.  it's party talk around here these days!

 and finally, i clipped this branch from our magnolia bush a couple weeks was just beginning to sprout.

 and this week we were surprised when these beauties bloomed in our dining room

while i am thoroughly enjoying winter...i am also eager for spring!

 until next time...