Monday, November 21, 2011


it's been awhile since i've posted.
here's why--

*i started this project 3 weeks ago.
this is a "before' photo.
i am almost done!!

*sofie had a head cold after a swimming birthday party 2 weeks ago.
then kye got it.
then sam.
and now me!

*we opened the reighard restaurant last week for 1 night
to celebrate my grandparents 56th wedding annv.
the girls and i came up with 2 menu options--sent a formal invite to them complete with a menu option rsvp.  it was a special candle-lit meal that i took zero pictures of.
i just completely forgot!

*sofie was hard-at-work on this masterpiece.
it hangs proudly in her bedroom! 

*we are still loving smokey!
he finds the most cuddly spots to sleep-- 

*we are on thanksgiving break all week.
thankgoodness for that!!
the girls and i need a break!

*we celebrated our first thanksgiving/christmas last weekend.
and our 2nd christmas gathering is this weekend.

*sam and i went to the movie courageous!
we can't remember the last time we went to a theatre.
possibly before sofie was born??
the movie was outstanding!!

***excited to celebrate thanksgiving with my grandparents
and great aunt pam in a few days.


kamp krieger 2011

...was a few weeks ago.
our weekend started on thursday when sam's brother, eric,
his wife vivian and little rubi arrived from arizona.

we had never met rubi, who turned 2 during her weekend in iowa.

ahh, the beloved craft table.

it's always so fun to see the older cousins that are away at college.
here's cousin levi with little charlie. 

sam'a older brother eric with rubi.

there were about 18 family members missing this year from
the reunion.  and there are 4 new babies due in the next few months. 

my stud sporting his wiffle-ball uniform!!

most of the family that was present this year--around 75-80

opening ceremonies to the wiffle-ball tourney

kye and grandpa getting in some swings

cousin warren teaching the little boys some football plays

 some cousins and a game of duck-duck-goose!!

sweet rubi--

everyone tried all weekend to hold her--
she would only go to sofie! 

reighard family picture

cousin esther leaving for kansas

 weird boys--
sam's dad chuck, sam, brother eric and brother-in-law noah

eric's family leaving for the arizona

cousins getting a last chance at playing together

5 minutes into our 25 minute drive home--
tired, tired kids after a super-fun
3-day weekend!!!


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

snow break

we had just finished our bible lesson this 
morning when it started snowing.

they could hardly control their excitement as
they stood in the window watching it fall .

how could i say no when they asked if they could go out to play?

and out they went!
i thought i was all ready for winter with snow pants, boots, and new coats.
i discovered today that i have forgotten waterproof gloves .

kye really didn't care that he stayed in--
he was content to watch from the window and play cars with his mom who now had some free time since school was postponed 

i had considered having them wait til after school but i'm
so thankful i didn't.
because it was done snowing in about an hour and completely melted about 30 minutes after that.

and then the sun came out.
gotta love iowa!