Tuesday, February 26, 2013

sam and his girls

last year we were in haiti when the daddy daughter dance was held.
the girls were kinda sad to miss it.
so this year we made sure to get it on the calendar as soon as we found out the date.

 sof wanted a colorful dress and curly hair!

lia chose a denim button-up shirt, sequin skirt, cowgirl boots,
and actually combed her hair. 


sam was kidding them that he didn't get corsages this year.
they were quite surprised when he pulled them out. 

i love that sofie and lia will have these memories of their dad!

what did kye and i do that while they were gone????
ate chinese for 2, drank root beer and played wii for 3 hours!!
he was in heaven!!

a day of shopping, food and friends

date #6

what a special weekend!
for this date i invited 5 of sofie's good friends and their moms
to join us.

this date was about dressing modestly so we headed
to the mall for a day of shopping.
each girl was able to chose a new outfit.
dressing rooms were our new best friend!

to make the date extra special we decided to make it an overnight getaway!
we rented this awesome house not far from our town.
so, when the shopping was complete we headed to our next stop. 

after a yummy italian meal and a bunch of trips up and down the elevator 
we started the games! 

we finally called it a night--or a morning--at 2:30 am!!!
i can't remember the last time i was up that late!

i thank God for these girls!
as each one of them is a very special friend to my sofie!
some, since birth and others she has met along the way! 

what a gift for me to have friends that are raising their daughters
the same as i am.

and what a gift for my daughter to have friends that share the same morals as she! 

will sure be hard to top this date!

a little getaway

there is something about worship music!

since getting their kindles the girls have really, really
been enjoying music.

so, as a fun surprise we took them to winter jam where we listened 
to over 5 hours of incredible worship music 

we arrived early enough where we really had the option to sit anywhere we wanted.
our seats were perfect! 

2 of the girls favorites, toby mac and jamie grace performed!!

they loved it! 

afterwards, we waited in line so the girls could meet jamie grace
and get her autograph. 

already looking forward to next year!!


5 years old!!!


his birthday party was a snowman theme because
in the weeks leading up to his birthday he was obsessed
with drawing snowmen and snowwomen.

he would draw them and then tape them
all over the walls. 

i left them all up--they were the party decorations!

some of kye's favorite things right now are:

*playing cars--usually by himself
*playing the wii--prefers to play with his dad
* uno, trouble and chinese checkers--absolute favorites
* being at home
*chips, chips, chips
*root beer
*rubbing mom's ears
*sneaking into mom and dad's bed at night
*learning your letters
*look and find books 
*throwing the football around with dad
*eating snacks
*and you are still really good at picking up your toys

5 years old!!


better late than never

christmas 2012

we did things a little different this year
each kid still got 3 gifts
however, 1 of them was a little bit 'bigger"
than we usually do
and it was electronic, which is a FIRST for us!

our wii broke some time ago...

i love these next 3...
they were so, so, so surprised 

thankgoodness for black friday deals!!!

gave up on my attempt for a "normal' group photo 
before the christmas eve service 

another christmas season came and went!
but we sure took time to enjoy it while it was here!