Tuesday, August 17, 2010


I woke up to a sleeping Kye playing with my ear.

Went for my morning walk and returned home to find the kids had just finished breakfast and the kitchen was a disaster.

I cleaned up the breakfast mess.

Kye wanted to wear undies and go potty on the potty chair.

10 minutes later I stepped in potty on the stairs.

Cleaned up the potty and put a diaper on Kye.

Watched a movie with the kids.

Made egg salad with Lia.

Cleaned up after making egg salad with Lia.

Made mac and cheese only to find out we were out of milk.

Waited for Sam to come home for lunch with milk.

Put Kye down for a nap.

Cleaned up from lunch while Lia mopped the floor.

Had snack time after Kye woke up.

Played baseball with a huge balloon and broken plastic recorder.

Realized that Kye hasn't had clothes on (besides Church) for almost 2 weeks.  Just a diaper.

Fixed pizza while the kids played outside.

Cleaned up after making pizza.

Sat outside in a lawn chair with Sam while the kids played.  With a sweatshirt on!

Gave bathes and put 3 very tired kids to bed.

Found marker on the wall and cleaned it up.

Finally put our newly painted kitchen cupboards back up.

Put some laundry in the washer.

And Sat Down!!

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