Thursday, September 2, 2010

We just spent...

the last 2 days at the Old Thresher's reunion.  Can't remember when we've had so much fun!  The first few pictures are from the parade they have every year to start things off.

 waiting for the parade to start

pretty sure this was Sofie's favorite part

 still waiting

 and waiting

and waiting

and waiting

Lia just finding out they won't be throwing candy

 it finally started

this kid was a hoot

 Kye and cousin Pearl in the reflection of a fire truck

just a few of the many,many,many tractors

 Sam and his grandpa Bub

positive this was Kye's favorite part

 Lia and grandma Bub waiting for the steam engines to pass

The next photos are from the following day that we spent at Old Thresher's.  My sister, her 3 kids and my grandma went with us.  Here we are on the bus riding from downtown out to where the reunion was held.

 aren't these hilarious...look at Sofie's face

 Sofie and cousin Clara


an attempt at a group photo...Lia just wasn't having it

 riding the train

 my gram

here's the train we rode--i remember riding this as a kid

having a little snack

my sis

we were only asked once if we were twins

 Kye having his snack in front of a steam engine

 a little carousel ride

 this was Lia's favorite part of the day

my future cowgirl

Kye was loving this--check out his hands

this was too funny--he's seen too many westerns

riding the trolley

the 2 youngest were exhausted by the time we got to the saloon girls show

aunt's Amy and Jenna--this was Sofie's favorite part of the day

the robber's just boarded the train

Lia and Kye waiting for the robber's to rob the train

wasn't a successful train robbery

my little cowboy

Kye and me

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