Friday, February 11, 2011


* joyful.  watching sam and all 3 kids playing a game in lia's bedroom.  kye climbing on his back, lia practically doing backflips because she is having so much fun and sofie just being the little lady that she is.  this brings a smile to my face as i feel the joy quickly filling my heart.

* proud.  listening to the girls prayers.  lia's prayers are so specific.  for people we know that are hurting.  for her upcoming day.  for her siblings.  for her parents.  for the cat she wants and the dog we got rid of.  she has the heart of a servant and for that alone--i am proud.  sofie's prayers are becoming so mature.  she cries out to God for help with self-control, for guidance and in thanksgiving.   proud is how i feel as i watch her grow into a lady striving to be more like God.

* anxious.  waiting for kye's 3 year well check-up.  this will hopefully get us moving forward with a consultation to a speech therapist.  he is improving everyday but still not where i think he should be developmentally.   while i don't feel nervous about this--it is in the back of my head causing me to have anxious thoughts at times.

* exhausted.  this week i have had no energy.  pretty sure this stems from having kids come in my bed at all hours of the night.  1 little boy who plays with my ears and rubs my face off and on all night long.  and 1 little girl who plays with my hair throughout the night sometimes pulling it as it gets tangled in her fingers while she sleeps soundly.  sam and i have come to the point where we reward (or bribe) them with treats if they stay in their own beds.  lets just say sofie is really reaping the benefits of this.  i am hopeful the other 2 will start as well so this mama won't be so exhausted.

*  happy.  i just love watching my kids interact.  today we went to a gym with several other kids their ages and smaller.  i watched from a distance as the girls watched over kye while he played with other boys.  they were a little protective of him since most of the kids we didn't know.  the girls took turns holding all the babies.  and while 1 wasn't holding a baby the other was making sure kye was taken care of.  not only was i happy about the opportunity to chat with other mom's i was also filled to the brim with happiness towards my children who showed love and respect to each other as well as almost every other child there.  every mom needs a day like this to reassure them they are doing a good job at this mothering thing.

* so in love.  with my simple little family.

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