Tuesday, February 15, 2011

unexpected gifts...

while gift-giving is not at the top of my love language list i have to admit that waking up to 3 very excited gift-giver's yesterday was the highlight of my day!  
it wasn't the gifts that was the highlight, it was their faces as they excitedly and lovingly placed their gifts in my hands.
i slept through sam getting out of bed and quietly waking the girls at 6:00 a.m.
i also slept through their quick trip to hy-vee.
however, i heard the van door close outside my window and could tell by the sounds of excited voices that something special was about to happen.

kye, who was sleeping next to me, woke up as they came marching into my bedroom.

with a beaming smile, lia handed me this--

 next, my favorite, tulips!
from my sam--1 for each of his girls.
(sofie had already taken her pink one to her room)

and then there was sofie's.  i have tears in my eye's as i remember back to last friday when i took the 3 kids to hy-vee for take-out chinese while sam was gone.  while we stood in line waiting for our chinese sofie sweetly asked me if she could just go over and  look around at the valentine's stuff. (the food area is right next to the floral dept.) i kindly told her "no" because then lia and kye would also want to go. a few minutes passed and she asked again, this time saying she just wanted to see how much everything cost.  a little irritated that i had just answered that question, i told her "no" again, this time not so kind.  she continued to look in that direction the remainder of the time we waited for our food.  out of the blue, lia then asked if she could go look at the valentine stuff--in a very huffy and irritated voice i sternly said "no".  when we got to the van i started on a little lecture about only having to tell them something once.  somewhere in the middle of my ranting, i heard sofie's voice behind me softly say, "i just wanted to see how much everything cost so i could bring my money back to buy you a valentine mom".  the only thing left to say was to ask for her forgiveness.  which she quickly gave.  i then rode the rest of the way home with quiet tears streaming down my cheeks.  i can't tell you how much i love her giving and compassionate and thoughtful heart.  so lastly, sofie handed me her valentine gift:

a box of chocolates. 
she knows i don't like the fancy chocolates, so hershey's kisses it was!

if your wondering what kye gave me...

kisses, kisses, kisses and more kisses!
i am confident that there was not another woman who got more kisses yesterday than i.

i am so blessed to get to spend my days with these 4 people! 

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